Friday, March 31, 2017

GIS 1, Lab 4

GIS 1, Lab 4

Goal and Background:
          The goal of Lab 4 was to assemble attribute and spatial query expressions to acquire information from the data.

          The first step to Lab 4 was setting my geoprocessing workspace and scratch space to my Lab 4 folder in ArcMap. I added the counties data from the U.S. geodatabase in order to write queries for the first three criteria. The first question wanted to return counties with a population between 3000 and 4000 in 2010 and counties with a population density of at least 1000 persons per square mile in 2010. I wrote out the query in the select by attributes tab to say SELECT * FROM counties WHERE: (POP2010 > 3000 AND POP2010 < 4000) OR (POP10_SQMI >= 1000). I exported the selected attributes to my Lab 4 folder and displayed the data onto the counties layer. In layer view, I created a cartographically pleasing map of the counties that meet the criteria to include a scale bar, north arrow, legend, title, and a description on the selected features (Figure 1).
          The second question asked to return counties in Wisconsin, Texas, New York, Minnesota, and California where the male population is greater than the female population and the population of seniors is over 6500.After setting up a new map of the counties, I wrote out the query in the select by attributes tab to say SELECT * FROM counties WHERE: (STATE_NAME IN ('Wisconsin', 'Texas', 'New York', 'Minnesota', 'California') AND MALES > FEMALES) AND (STATE_NAME IN ('Wisconsin', 'Texas', 'New York', 'Minnesota', 'California') AND AGE_65_UP > 6500). I exported the selected counties to my Lab 4 folder and displayed it as its own layer on top of the counties layer. Switching from data view to layer view, I created a map with the same qualities as the previous one (Figure 2).
          The next criteria asked to return counties is Washington, Maryland, Illinois, District of Columbia, Nebraska, and Michigan where there are more than 30,000 housing units available in addition to the previous query. I opened the select by attributes tabs and assembled the query to read SELECT * FROM counties WHERE: (STATE_NAME IN ('Wisconsin', 'Texas', 'New York', 'Minnesota', 'California') AND MALES > FEMALES) AND "AGE_65_UP" > 6500) OR  (STATE_NAME IN ('Washington', 'Maryland', 'Illinois', 'Nebraska', 'District of Columbia', 'Michigan') AND HOUSEHOLDS > 30000). Once again, I exported the selected features to my Lab 4 folder, displayed the new layer onto the map, and created a cartographically pleasing map of the counties that meet the criteria in layer view (Figure 3).
           For the next part of the lab, I downloaded the Wisconsin data into my Lab 4 folder where I unzipped the data. In ArcMap, I added the Wisconsin counties, cities, and lakes data to the data frame in a new blank map.  My next task was to return cities with a 2007 population between 15,000 and 20,000, with an area of at least 5 square miles,  the female population is greater than the male population and are within two mile of a lake. This called for an attribute query and a spatial query. First, I opened the select by attributes tab wrote, SELECT * FROM cities WHERE: "POP2007" >= 15000 AND "POP2007" >= 20000 AND ("AREALAND" >= 5) AND ("FEMALES" > "MALES"). I applied the query and then opened the select by location tab. I specified the selection method to select from the currently selected features, target layer to be WI_cities, source layer to be lakes, and to be a distance of 2 miles from the source layer. The selected cities meeting the criteria were exported to my Lab 4 folder and displayed onto the map. I created a map of the new layer along with the roads data with the same qualities and features of the previous maps (Figure 4).
           The final task wanted to know the total length in miles of thirteen rivers: Chippewa R, Eau Claire R, Embarrass R, Fisher R, Hunting R, Kinnickinnic R, Maunesha R, Milwaukee R, Moose R, Namekagon R, Pelican R, Platte R, and Potato R. First, I set up a new map with the Wisconsin counties data. In the River_ data's attribute table, I created a new field called LENGTH and calculated the geometry length for the records. I then opened the select by attributes tab assembled a query to read SELECT * FROM Rivers_ WHERE: "PNAME" IN ('Chippewa' R, 'Eau Claire R', 'Embarrass R', 'Fisher R', 'Hunting R', 'Kinnickinnic R', 'Maunesha R', 'Milwaukee R', 'Moose R', 'Namekagon R', 'Pelican R', 'Platte R', and 'Potato R'). The query selected these rivers. In the River_ data's attribute table, I viewed the statistics for LENGTH to find out the selected rivers' total length. Lastly, I exported the selected features to my Lab 4 folder, displayed it to the Wisconsin counties layer, and added the roads data and lakes data to the data frame. In layer view, I created final map of the selected features like the previous maps (Figure 5).

          The following maps are the result of the previous queries in their respective order.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3
Figure 4

Figure 5

USA data (2016) [downloaded] Price, Maribeth H. [March 29, 2017].
Wisconsin data (2011) [downloaded] ESRI. [March 30, 2017].
Wisconsin Lakes (2012) [downloaded] Wilson, Cyril. [March 30, 2017].

Saturday, March 11, 2017

GIS 1, Lab 3

GIS 1, Lab 3
Goal and Background:
          The objective for completing Lab 3 in GIS 1 was to gain experience in obtaining data from the U.S. Census Bureau's website, transforming a standalone table into workable data, joining attribute tables together, and displaying the data appropriately as a static map and a dynamic map on the web.

         To initiate the Lab 3, I downloaded the TOTAL POPULATION dataset from the U.S. Census Bureau's website under its 2010 SF1 100% Data. I specified the dataset for all counties in Wisconsin under the geography tab. After downloaded, I unzipped the data which included the metadata and tabular data amongst others. The tabular data, called DEC_10_SF1_P1_with_ann.csv, was manipulated slightly (DOO1 changed to POPN_10 and the second row was deleted), and saved as a MS Excel file so it could be utilized in ArcMap.
          Next, I returned to the U.S. Census Bureau's website to download Wisconsin spatial from the map tab in the geography window and saved it as a shapefile.
          I opened ArcMap and added the Wisconsin shapefile and the MS Excel sheet to the data frame. As the goal was to map population, I viewed the tabular data and the attribute table and identified the fields GEO#id and GEO_ID as key terms for a one-to-one cardinality join. A new attribute table was formed as a result, combining information from the standalone table and the shapefile. Afterward, I exported the joined table as its own shapefile and added it to the data frame. I removed the previous layers and displayed the new one, symbolizing the population as a graduated color map with monochromatic colors. I added 8 classes as I thought it displayed population levels per county well.
          I opened an additional blank map in ArcMap afterwards and repeated the previous step=]\
. This time, I chose the Housing Units dataset from the U.S. Census Bureau's website. Repeating the same steps, I joined the standalone table and the Wisconsin shapefile attribute table together using the same ID fields, exported and displayed as a new layer. The Housing Units field were then displayed as a graduated color map with monochromatic colors with 7 classes. I gave the layers a NAD 1983 Stateplane Wisconsin Central projection and did the same for the Total Population map.
          Once the two maps were completed, I switched to layer view and prepared each map with a title, scale bar, north arrow, legend, author, date, and sources, arranged in a cartographically pleasing manner (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
          The second part of the lab involved making my Housing Units map into a dynamic map. First in data view, I signed into ArcGIS Online using my information. There, I published my map as a feature service.
          Once that was completed, I signed into Here, I added my layer to a topographical base map. I configured a pop-up window titled Housing Units per County that would show county and and number of housing units if the user clicked on a part of the map. At the end, I saved the pop-up and shared the dynamic map (Figure 3).

          Figure 1 shows the first map that was created which displays the population of Wisconsin counties in 2010 as a graduated color map. The most densely populated counties lie to the south eastern part of the state. Figure 2 shows almost the same pattern of density as a graduated color map but displays housing units in 2010 instead. Figure 3 is the final product of the housing units per Wisconsin county layer displayed as a dynamic map on ArcGIS Online over a topographic base map.

                                            Figure 1

                                           Figure 2

                                          Figure 3

TOTAL POPULATION (2010) [Download] U.S. Census Bureau. [March 2017].

Housing Units (2010) [Download] U.S. Census Bureau.  [March 2017].

Price, M. H. (2016) Mastering ArcGIS. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.